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A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”

Gaurav's Blog


August 15, 2008

Boxer Akhil Kumar just won against the World Champion at the Olympics!

Fantastic ! just seconds ago our Boxer,Akhil Kumar beat the World Champion,Sergey Vodopyanov in the Round of 16 in the 54 kgs Bantamweight Bout at the Beijing Olympics The score was tied at 9 all in the four rounds of two minutes each and Akhil Kumar never lead in the bout…Judges ruled him the Winner …

Boxer Akhil Kumar just won against the World Champion at the Olympics! Read More »

In India,Companies may fall Sick but Promoters rarely do !

Check my header on the Home Page ! The Title of this Blog is also on it . This Morning was reading the Lifestyle supplement of a Morning Newspaper, which keeps on proclaiming they will never compromise on the Truth…..Came across a Page 3 ” Industrialist” describing how beautiful his Family Holiday in a Greek Island …

In India,Companies may fall Sick but Promoters rarely do ! Read More »

Mera Bharat Mahaan !

Mera Bharat Mahaan ! Get up on Swiss Time…Shave with Gillette…..bathe with an English Soap…..have a Kellogs Breakfast..with English Tea in Chinese Cups….Macdonalds for Lunch with Coca Cola….View Beijing Olympics and the American Swimmer Michael Phelps win a record Sixth Gold on a Korean TV…Communicate on a Nokia Mobile from Finland…….Wear Levis  and Arrow ….depend on Funds …

Mera Bharat Mahaan ! Read More »

Happy Independence Day : Salute the Real Indian!

India celeberates it’s 61st Independence Day today… wishing all a Truly Great Independence Day Yet could not help wondering how we Indians create Icons….. there are so many unheralded Indians who are quietly doing their work to lift our Poor…. living away in the Interiors with Villagers and Tribals for years, away from Urban Life It was …

Happy Independence Day : Salute the Real Indian! Read More »

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