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A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”

Gaurav's Blog


October 17, 2008

There’s More Value to Hear Warren Buffett in Person than anybody else

Honestly tell me !…have you truly benefited from attending those “few hour” speeches or seminars or workshops on any subject or topic…no matter who is giving them or organising them!…often paying through your nose for them,especially where overseas experts are involved  ! I was wondering if I was in a minority here when I confess I yet …

There’s More Value to Hear Warren Buffett in Person than anybody else Read More »

Mutual Funds….A Mutually Worried Lot

Equity markets Collapsing has taken it’s toll on Mutual Funds too in many ways Redemption Pressures are High forcing Equity Sales and Increased Borrowing at higher rates No Takers and Markets for New Schemes NAVs under relentless pressure on relentless selling Access to Financing restricted as risks of counterparty exposure limits being breached and overleverage play …

Mutual Funds….A Mutually Worried Lot Read More »

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