‘Synchronicity’….Carl Jung coined it to stand for ‘Meaningful Coincidences’….James Redfield used it to introduce his ‘First Insight’ as being aware of ‘Chance Coincidences’…..and I keep experiencing it !

‘Synchronicity’….Carl Jung coined it to stand for ‘Meaningful Coincidences’….James Redfield used it to introduce his ‘First Insight’ as being aware of ‘Chance Coincidences’…..and I keep experiencing it ! How many times your Dreams or Thoughts are immediately followed by an exact Reality ? How often are you thinking of a person you have not met for […]

‘Synchronicity’….Carl Jung coined it to stand for ‘Meaningful Coincidences’….James Redfield used it to introduce his ‘First Insight’ as being aware of ‘Chance Coincidences’…..and I keep experiencing it ! Read More »