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A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”

Gaurav's Blog


June 16, 2014

L & T Chairman A M Naik expresses anguish and prescribes action for the Indian Economy

This is an informative and impressive interview given by A M Naik,Chairman of Larsen & Toubro in today’s edition of Economic Times expressing his anguish on the mistakes made and how to address challenges to bring India’s Economy back to a sustainable 9% to 10% GDP Growth Rate with financial inclusion Some thought provoking bytes….. …

L & T Chairman A M Naik expresses anguish and prescribes action for the Indian Economy Read More »

Lovely Commencement Speech by Jim Carrey at Maharishi University

A lovely Commencement Day Speech by Jim Carrey at the Maharishi University of Management  in May 2014 Five  thought provoking bytes … “You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love.” “..and Oh! why not take a chance on Faith as well…not Religion …

Lovely Commencement Speech by Jim Carrey at Maharishi University Read More »

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