A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


50% of the Students at Harvard & MIT & Princeton gave the wrong answer to this simple Logic Question !

50% of the Students at Harvard & MIT & Princeton gave the wrong answer to this simple Logic Question !

and at other Colleges the Failure rate was 80% !

A Bat & Ball together cost US $ 1.1 ~ The Bat costs US $ 1 more than the Ball ~ What is the cost of the Ball !?

Behavioral Science explains why this happened !

Try answering it before you click on the link above ! I did and got it right ! 

Hint ~ Don’t Trust your Instinctive Intuition on this one ~ Do the Maths !

In The Investment World too Investors often behave irrationally,either in individual action or in herd mentality ~ and this has spawned the study of Behavioral Science ! ~ in my workshops one of the popular sessions that gets the loudest and most fun and  interactive participation is when I play out the participants against each other in situations !


2 thoughts on “50% of the Students at Harvard & MIT & Princeton gave the wrong answer to this simple Logic Question !”

  1. Sirji… You are absolutely right… I also did the math and got the answer… Then visited the website, found that my answer was correct… Sometimes, people are over-confident about their ability… Being humble, one can solve these kind of questions easily…

  2. Got the answer with some simple algebra.
    Now here is the million dollar question.
    If this was not posted on an internet site as”50% Ivy league students get simple q wrong” & was asked as a general question in some casual conversation by a friend/colleague about whose Math skill you did not know much would you still do the math & get/got it right? Or would you have given the intuitive answer ‘ofcourse 10 cents’?
    Gaurav since you rub shoulders with some IIT/IIM folks would request you to actually try it & ask them the same q rather casually. Hopefully they haven’t already seen the internet post! LOl

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