A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Always Celebrating Life & Love ~ and now a Golden Birthday while enjoying the Awesome Athletes going for Gold at the London Olympics

Colours of Their Love are the Colours of my Life ~ Birthday Bouquet from Children & Wife
Colours of Their Love are the Colours of my Life ~ Birthday Bouquet from Children & Wife

😀 Always Celebrating Life & Love ~ and now a Golden Birthday while enjoying the Awesome Athletes Going for Gold at the London Olympics

Have turned 50 today ~ Though always feel 16 😀 ~ genuinely the hair is yet Black ! ~ am yet married to the same lovely wife ! ~ have soul mates other than wife with whom I discuss Life after 2 am and a few ….!  ~ have officially,none otherwise,two adorable not so ‘Little’ now Jaans ~ yet love and eat Lollipops openly !~yet hide Chocolates from the kids and wife ! ~ yet enjoy loads of Butter on Naan and Toast ~ love all who feed me Cauliflower in any form ! ~ love and yet turn senti when watching romantic comedies ~ love all sports and crazy about some ~ currently enjoying the Olympics Live till 3 am ! ~ ferociously stand up for friends and family ~ have confronted and squashed hooliganism on streets ~ yet passionately attack Annual Reports and Companies to see if they pass the GAP TRAP to consider Investment in them ! ~ have been on real and life rollercoasters ~yet love making  new friends  while cherishing the old and thank God for being blessed with many lovely friends who’ve stood by me at all times ~ yet crazy about popcorn and watermelon ~ yet frown when youngsters call me uncle ! ~ come on guys ! Age is just a Number ! ~ Jump in the Pool even though friends call me a Whale !  ~ have cheated Death thrice in a Bomb Blast,Desert Storm and Major Car Accident ~ retain great faith in God ~ am secular in spirit ….Ah ! Life’s Journey yet has truly been engaging ! ~ and yes my mind tells me I can yet run the 100m under 12 seconds !

August 9 was ~ when the Quit India Movement began in India pre independence to push the British out~ when US President Richard Nixon resigned over the Watergate Scandal ~ when the US dropped the ‘Fat Man’ Atom Bomb on Nagasaki in Japan during World War II

Great of you Guys ~ Family and Friends ~ to start wishing at the stroke of midnight itself by email, sms, fb and phone ~ especially sending me Lord Ganesha’s Blessings and the prayer that every ‘share’ I touch turns to ‘Gold ‘!  ~ with one of you announcing that I now deserve some more respect and addressing me as Gaurav’ji’!

~ and thanks kids and wife,my sun rises and sets with you’ll, for the awesome chocolate cake that you’ll waited  smartly till just after 10.30 pm to pick up at a discounted price ! ~ don’t search for it in the morning ~ it’s over as   I sneaked what remained of it from the fridge at 2 am  and gorged on it while watching the Olympics Live ~ and for the lovely Bouquet as above of 50 Orange,my fav colour, Flowers ~roses,asters and birds of paradise ~ cool and thoughtful and vibrant !

Love you all ~ Thanks for being a part of my Life’s Journey yet

Cheers !


9 thoughts on “Always Celebrating Life & Love ~ and now a Golden Birthday while enjoying the Awesome Athletes going for Gold at the London Olympics”

  1. Wish you a very happy birthday Gaurav. Please continue to post and enlighten us with your knowledge. God bless.

  2. Dearesr Gaurav ‘ji’.
    Wish you a happy half century & since you are a sports & a cricket
    fan take a fresh guard & get ready to ‘score’ a Century 😉
    With loads of Love,

  3. wish u very very happy birthday and many more returns of the day ji.
    Continue sharing ur knowledge with us which may help us in many ways.
    with heart full of love

  4. Hi Jigs,Anand,Swaroop,Rohit,Ramurthy,RR and Raoji ~ appreciate your wishes ~ your blog responses truly add depth to the blog ~ Cheers

  5. shahzad jimmy vasaigara

    Wish u many many happy returns for the year ahead. I know its quite late now, but still…


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