I’m sure most of us have had a Coffee at one of the Chain Outlets of Cafe Coffee Day (CCD)
It’s parent Company Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd (CDEL) just concluded a successful IPO and fixed the IPO price at the upper band of Rs 328
Most had recommended to avoid the Issue as the Pricing was very High
I hold a contrary opinion and had recommended the Issue but not as a Stag as there does exist the risk of listing gains not being available
Here are some relevant extracts from the IPO note prepared by us
Subscribe but not as a Stag ~You Need Not Sit Out !

Further Lowering of Debt will significantly transform the Financials Dynamics ~ Low Floating Stock ~ It’s Not an Offer For Sale ~ 16.73 % Equity Stake in listed Mindtree worth @ Rs 2000 crs currently
Immediate Risk : Listing Gains may not be available as IPO Pricing is perceived to be on the higher side
Five Positives in our View
1. Huge Brand Recall & therefore Significant Brand Value ~ CDEL,through its subsidiary, operates the popular Cafe Coffee Day Chain of 1538 stores across 219 cities with a 46% Market Share.It has been recognised as the second best Indian Brand.This Intangible Asset is not in the Books but clearly is in the Premium sought in the IPO Pricing of Rs 316 to Rs 328
2. CDEL has a 16.73 % (10.41 % directly and 6.32% through 88.97% owned subsidiary Coffee Day Trading Ltd) Non Promoter Equity Stake in the listed Software Company Mindtree which is worth @ Rs 2000 crs based on Share Price of Mindtree ~ if monetised it will make CDEL free of net debt instantly and add Rs 250 crs + to bottomline on interest saved=> that’s an incremental EPS of Rs 12 itself !.CDEL had a net consolidated debt of Rs 2864 crs at December 31,2014. Mindtree quoted @ Rs 1400 (FV Rs 10) with a Market Cap @ Rs 12000 crs has just declared a very good Q 2 FY 16 with a Networth as on September 30,2015 of Rs 2243 crs and Book of Rs 267 and Annualised EPS of Rs 70 giving a PBV & PE of 5.25 and 20 respectively.It has also declared a 40% Interim Dividend. Share Price of Mindtree has gained @ 20% thus far in 2015 and holds potential for more
3. The CDEL IPO of Rs 1150 crs is a full fresh issue of Equity Shares and there is no offer of sale from Promoters and other Shareholders.Have a look below at the Pedigree of Non Promoter Shareholders and their pre IPO holdings and cost in CDEL
4. The IPO of Rs 1150 crs has already attracted 17 well known Anchor Investors who have committed Rs 334 crs at Rs 322
5. The IPO comprises just over 17% of post IPO Equity Capital of Rs 206 crs and implies limited floating stock
Five Negatives in our View
1. CDEL has made a net loss of Rs 21.4 crs,Rs 77 crs & Rs 87.2 crs in the last three financial years FY 13 to FY 15 respectively and should report a Loss in FY 16 too.However Cash Flows from Operations have been positive and FY 15 generated free cash flows
2. There are several Civil & Criminal Legal & Other Claims of which @ Rs 1500 crs claims from the Income Tax authorities stand out
3. Relative Valuations based on IPO Pricing are perceived to be on the higher side.The IPO Price to Book Value is @ 4 on the post IPO Book of @ Rs 80.
4. CDEL is actually a Holding Company and has @ 40 subsidiaries across Coffee,Logistics ,Finance & Hospitality and other Business.Share Price on the BSE & NSE may therefore reflect a Haircut on any Group Valuation arrived at
5. The attrition rate in the Hospitality & Restaurant Sector is quite high at one third of the workforce.Per Day Collections per outlet are low at just over Rs 13000 and aggregate under Rs 50 lakhs per outlet.With single digit to negative Returns on Capital Employed in all business,Coffee or Non Coffee it’s a stress on the payback period for Capital Expenditure especially on the Coffee Outlets.CDEL had closed 175 Outlets till December 31,2014 on account of non renewal of lease,low revenues and unfavourable location
CDEL Profile
CDEL Group was set up by V G Siddhartha. His Promoter Group currently hold 63945904 Equity Shares at an average of Rs.36.75 per share and which constitutes 37.31% of pre IPO Equity of Rs 170.94 crs after bonus and conversions.This will dilute to a 31% post IPO Stake in the post IPO Equity of @ Rs 206 crs.His wife Malavika Hegde is the daughter of India’s ex Foreign Minister Mr S M Krishna and is also on the Board of Directors.Along with CDEL ,even V G Siddhartha holds a personal @ 3 % Equity Stake in the listed Mindtree in which he is also the CDEL Nominee Director on the Board.
Coffee Business
Though it’s subsidiary Coffee Day Global Ltd,Bengaluru based CDEL owns and operates coffee cafes in India since 1996. The Company is well known for its brand name ‘Cafe Coffee Day’ (CCD). The Company owns a network of 1538 Cafe outlets spread across 219 cities in India. As of June 2015, Cafe Coffee Day has market share of 46% in India in terms of the number of chained Cafe outlets. In addition to having the largest chain of cafes in India, company operate a highly optimized and vertically integrated coffee business which ranges from procuring, processing and roasting of coffee beans to retailing of coffee products across various formats. Company is one of the largest exporters of Indian coffee beans, primarily to Europe, Japan and the Middle East. Consolidated Sales of Rs 2479 crs in FY 15 showed Rs 1263 crs or 50.1% contribution from this Coffee Business
Non Coffee Business
CDEL is also in several other Non Coffee Business to leverage on India’s growth potential.
Logistics ~ CDEL has a 52.83% Equity Stake in listed SICAL Logistics which is currently has a market value of just over Rs 450 crs with Sical’s Market Cap at Rs 911 crs at Share Price of Rs 164.CDEL’s Consolidated FY 15 Sales showed over 35% contribution from this Segment
Financial Services ~ CDEL has a 85.53% Equity Stake in Way2Wealth
IT- ITES technology parks ~ CDEL has a presence through it’s Tanglin Group Subsidiaries in IT Parks in Bengaluru (114 acres of which 2.9 m build up sq ft developed and 12.3 m sq ft further development potential ) & Mangaluru (21 acres of which 0.3 m build up sq ft developed & 1.8 m sq ft further development potential) and earns lease rentals
Resorts ~ CDEL through it’s wholly owned subsidiary set up in 2008 Coffee Day Hotels & Resorts Pvt Ltd,owns & operates three boutique Resorts in South India in Bandipur(24 rooms), Chikkamagaluru (29 rooms) and Kabini (16 rooms) under the brand ‘The Serai’. In 2014 it also acquired a minority stake and management rights in Barefoot Resort (25 rooms) in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Application of the IPO Proceeds of Rs 1150 crs
CDEL proposes to utilise the proceeds towards funding the following objects:
Application of IPO Proceeds |
Amt (Rs Crs) |
A. Financing coffee businesses | |
1. Setting-up of new Café Network outlets and Coffee Day Xpress kiosks |
87.7 |
2. Manufacturing and assembling of vending machines |
97.4 |
3. Refurbishment of existing Café Network outlets and vending machines |
60.6 |
4. Setting-up of a new coffee roasting plant facility, integrated coffee packing & tea packing facility |
41.9 |
B. Repayment or prepayment of loans of the Company and Subsidiaries |
632.8 |
920.4 |
C. General Corporate Purposes & Issue Expenses |
229.6 |
Total Proceeds |
1150 |
Shareholding of Major Non Promoters all of who are Veteran and well known Investors
Shareholder |
Investment Date |
Equity Shares Allotted |
Price (Rs) |
Total Investment (Rs Crs) |
Shares After Bonus* |
Avg Cost per share (Rs) |
KKR Private Equity |
March 31, 2010 |
500000 |
1768 |
88.4 |
4000000 |
221 |
Bennett Coleman & Company Ltd |
October 11, 2012 |
171038 |
2631 |
45 |
1368304 |
329 |
Nandan Nilekani |
March 2, 2015 |
258620 |
2900 |
75 |
2068960 |
362.5 |
Rare Enterprises |
March 2, 2015 |
34482 |
2900 |
10 |
275856 |
362.5 |
Derive Investments |
March 2, 2015 |
34482 |
2900 |
10 |
275856 |
362.5 |
Ramesh Damani |
March 2, 2015 |
10344 |
2900 |
3 |
82752 |
362.5 |
Ketan Sheth |
March 2, 2015 |
6896 |
2900 |
2 |
55168 |
362.5 |
* 7:1 Bonus On May 8, 2015 | ||||||
Shareholder |
Investment Date |
Security Allotted |
Price (Rs) |
Total Investment (Rs Crs) |
Equity Shares Holding after conversion# |
Avg Cost per Share (Rs) |
Standard C Private Equity (Mauritius) II Limited |
Feb 10, 2010 |
1357410 |
1768.07 |
240 |
13969262 |
171.8 |
KKR Mauritius PE Investments II Limited |
March 30, 2010 |
27160000 |
100 |
271.6 |
17826912 |
152.4 |
NLS Mauritius LLC@ |
March 31, 2010 |
35998232 |
100 |
360 |
22412192 |
160.1 |
# Conversion just before IPO in October 2015 @ On March 31, 2010 CCDs were issued to Arduino Holdings Ltd and recently transferred in 2105 to NLS |
Recent Pre IPO Equity Build Up in 2015 in Rs Crs
Pre IPO Equity after May 8,2015 Bonus of 7:1 |
116.73 |
+ CCP Conversion just before IPO to Standard Chartered Pvt Equity Mauritius |
13.97 |
+ CCD Conversion just before IPO to KKR Mauritius |
17.83 |
+ CCD Conversion just before IPO to NLS Mauritius |
22.4 |
Pre IPO Equity |
170.93 |
IPO Fresh Issue assuming top end IPO price of Rs 328 |
35.1 |
Post IPO Equity |
206.03 |
While the IPO Pricing Range of Rs 316 to Rs 328 appears on the higher side and raises the Risk of Listing Gains not being available ,the business potential going forward in both Coffee and Non Coffee Business is visible . We also visualise CDEL reducing debt further in the coming years .This confidence comes from the instant fall back lever that CDEL holds of it’s equity stake currently worth Rs 2000 crs in listed Mindtree and which it can opt to monetise at any time,it being a non promoter holding, albeit higher than even Promoter holding.Moreover the Post IPO Floating Stock on listing is quite low at just 17% of the Equity.This should cap any significant downside on listing.At it’s IT-ITES Tech Parks it also has a further potential to develop 12.3 m build up sq ft in Bengaluru & 1.8 m sq ft in Mangaluru.The whole IPO is a Fresh Issue and not an Offer for Sale by Promoters and well known Non Promoters. The Risks of course are the high Relative Valuations in the IPO Pricing and the IT Claims of @ Rs 1500 crs
Subscribe but not as a Stag in that Listing or Short Term Gains may not be available. If you do decide to stand out this IPO then do keep an eye when CDEL does get listed and developments especially on the debt reduction front
4 thoughts on “Cafe Coffee Anyone ! ? ~ Successful IPO at Rs 328 ~ Awaiting Listing”
They have tied up with WMF Group to distribute their WMF brand of commercial coffee machines in India. WMF is a global leader in commercial coffee machines supplied to offices, etc.
The Risk of Listing Gains not being available reared up today as CDEL got listed today opening on BSE at Rs 313 touching a high of Rs 318 (yet below IPO Price of Rs 328) and a Low of Rs 266 before closing at Rs 270 down @ 18% from IPO Pricing….Interesting how it trends rest of the week….and how another high priced IPO at Rs 765 of IndiGo lists post Diwali later this month
Good time to purchase @ current level??
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