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A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”

Gaurav's Blog



Insider Trading in Cambridge Solutions ?

Check out the takeover story of Cambridge Solutions in Business Standard of yesterday Now check out the Trading Pattern on the BSE in Cambridge Solutions from Last week September 2008 till date Cambridge Solutions on the BSE Date Close (Rs) Volume No of Shares No of Trades Turnover (Rs) 22 September 2008 43.40 6290 70 …

Insider Trading in Cambridge Solutions ? Read More »

Spooky CDS Exposure of US $ 54.6 Trillion…yes, Trillion !

How would you like to Bet on other People’s Debts !? ….Will they Pay or will they not !?…USA has this great Gambling Product that goes by the terminology of CREDIT DEBT SWAPS or CDS for short Just read the frightening revelation that the  Exposure currently on CDS is US $ 54.6 Trillion…that’s over three and …

Spooky CDS Exposure of US $ 54.6 Trillion…yes, Trillion ! Read More »

Fed Chairman,Ben Bernanke scares all !

On Thursday,September 18,2008 in a hastily and urgently convened meeting in the Conference Room of the House Speaker,Nancy Pelosi,both the Federal Reserve Chairman,Ben Bernanke and the Treasury Secretary ,Henry Paulson presented the Proposed US $ 700 Billion Financial Bail-out Plan for the First Time to Congressional Leaders Some Participants leaked out that Ben Bernanke starkly …

Fed Chairman,Ben Bernanke scares all ! Read More »

Indo US Nuclear Deal ratified by the USA President,Bush on Gandhi Jayanti

Stark Reality this !…..The US Senate passed the Indo Nuclear Deal by a resounding 86 to 13 Vote on October 1,2008 …..Next Day was Gandhi Jayanti and the USA President,George Bush ratified the Deal….Mahatma Gandhi stood for Ahimsa and Non Violence…was it just a stark coincidence or was it what James Redfield,a modern day thinker, termed as “Synchronicity” in …

Indo US Nuclear Deal ratified by the USA President,Bush on Gandhi Jayanti Read More »

Time to get greedy says Investment Guru, Warren Buffett

Living Investment Legend,Warren Buffett has just committed US $ 8 Billion to the Two Big ‘G’s”,Goldman Sachs and General Electric (GE) Hey Mr Buffett ! I’m also a “G” ! Buffett has been a fan of General Electric for decades…Interestingly the Indo US Nuclear Deal too has just been passed and GE is expected to get orders from India for …

Time to get greedy says Investment Guru, Warren Buffett Read More »

On DOW Cue,SENSEX Set to Crash as Market Opens in the Morning

It’s just past 3.30 am in the morning here in Mumbai and I’ve just been witnessing Panic on Wall Street as the DOW reacted violently to record it’s worst Points Fall,closing 778 Points (7%) down at 10365 on the Bail-out Package of US $ 700 billion being rejected by the US House of Representatives On Cue,Sensex …

On DOW Cue,SENSEX Set to Crash as Market Opens in the Morning Read More »

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