A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Covered by Outlook Business for frowning on Essar Oil Delisting

A very well written article on the Essar Oil Delisting Proposal in the latest edition of August 8,2014 of Outlook Business has covered my frowning on it …they use the word ‘fumes’ though….maybe I did sound aggressive  when the young author of this coverage Twesh Mishra had connected with me after reading my recent blog a month ago on the same as below

LIC will never go Public & Essar Oil wants to go Private ! ~ What is the Connection !?

Saturday, June 21st, 2014



7 thoughts on “Covered by Outlook Business for frowning on Essar Oil Delisting”

  1. No words are harsh enough to describe these practises by indian corporates….recent one is Cairn India,they have lend 8000 crs to vedentha PLC,and at what interest????……then pink papers scream why retail is out of the market.


  2. Hey Anurag Relax,here it is COOPERATE Governance:) & since it is in dollar terms int is such & how can you expect any thing other then this from Agrawal,its not there in their Genes:)

  3. no,iam not upset.infact y’day bought 100 at 322……shld buy the stock which is stuck in range for long time on a negative trigger

  4. Gaurav yor exposes are very valluable and many like me are finding it the only solace. However I am surprised that no public institution like LIC, SEBI , bankers have responded though in public domain. No media whether Timesnow, Aajtak , xNews, CNBC TV 18 has pickedup these issues. What is SEBI, NSE , BSE doing.? Is it not their duty to build up research wing. Many shrewed pramotors of companies have dupped shareholders by seeing that their share go out of trading eg FUTURA, Pearl Engineering Polymers . All these owners have assets in foreign countries at the cost of minority shareholders. Will any CBI investigate such issues. Will SEBI, NSE, BSE, MCX Sx start reserch wings for early fraud detection and give wide publicity amongst their shareholders. I became your admirer after I read your blog on Innovasynth Investment. SEBI is still sleeping over the issue and absolutely not taking any action to give justice to minority shareholders of Innovasynth Investment. Why are the not forcing merger of innovasynth investment with Innovasynth Technology. It is simply frustrating. BKS Haapu.

    1. Abba Song comes to mind always “Money!Money!Money! it’s a Rich Man’s World!”….Everybody is making Hay while the Sun Shines….Small & Retail Investors inevitably become obvious suckers coming in on the hype and at the end of bull runs….but the more criminal scenario is when fund managers play up “what’s Integrity to an Opportunity!” and have vested interests and collude with other vested interests and park shares of companies in their funds at obscene high prices….they are all in it together….realise why influential media groups are being bought over by industrialists

      If you are angry enough to become an Activist torchbearer for minority shareholders do remember you will face many hurdles and even those who’s doors you can legally knock for correcting wrongs will play deaf

      And that is why the sanctity and credibility of our Equity Markets has eroded and I daresay destroyed….tragedy is that human memory is short and sucking cycles are repeated every few years as unscrupulous promoters leverage on bull runs to launch vulgar premium IPOs and high prices are justified by hype….my blog tagline says it all “In India Companies may fall sick but Promoters rarely do!”

  5. Pingback: Essar Oil on Fire @ Rs 167 after delisting natak at Rs 108! | Gaurav's Blog

  6. Pingback: Essar Oil sets Rs 146.05 as Delisting Floor Price~ ?s remain | Gaurav's Blog

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