A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Cranes Software & Compact Disc…the Two ‘Cs’ continue creating Chaos

One of the major objectives of my Blog is to warn Investors to stay away from or reconsider the risks assumed in their Investment in certain Companies….the two ‘Cs’,Cranes Software and Compact Disc were covered earlier in my blog to serve this objective 

Thanks Saif for reminding me about Cranes Software…It has sunk to below Rs 7…I had warned about it on December 31,2009…..In reply to your response I think you can write this Investment off as a bad experience and a part of a learning curve  

Cranes Software at 52 week low of Rs 28…was Rs 100 just over a year ago…Waste or Worth ?

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

Thanks Ashish Pathak for your response on Compact Disc….It remains at Rs 65 even today…and you’ve been married to it for four long years !…I had reviewed it in detail on March 25,2010 and was not impressed with Corporate Governance and Liquidity Position of the Company….my position remains unchanged even today…but you seem to have more conviction here than I do…Live it if you’re sure and comfortable with the risks that you have assumed…otherwise look to switch

Compact Disc at Rs 87.20…Fantastic Surge past few days…is it sustainable?

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

Cheers !


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