Greg Mckeown author of ~The Disciplined Pursuit of Less~ Top 3 Networking Mistakes

Came across an interesting take on why Networking Gatherings can be either great or really bad ~ shallow,stressful and unsatisfying

This is an observation,view and experience shared by Greg Mckeown author of ~The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

He speaks of the classic top 3 Networking Mistakes that capable people make

  1. Exchanging too many Business Cards…they become meaningless…you won’t remember them and they you ! ~ instead one genuine relationship formed is worth a fistful of business cards
  2.  Mindful Listening ~ Most look over people’s shoulders while in a conversation ~ when the person you are conversing with realises you are actually listening and focusing on him or her the bonding is faster and leads to a meaningful relationship
  3. Playing out FOMO rather than JOMO ~ One wants to attend everything and meet everyone ! for the Fear Of Missing Out ! …just taking time off or concentrating on what really is of interest to you is engaging in the more meaningful and satisfying Joy Of Missing Out ! ~ it gives one the space to relax,talk without an agenda and scheduled content and can spark out spontaneous ideas and forge deeper relationships

Have attended quite a few boring networking seminars where ‘what’s for Lunch?’ seems to be the highlight !

But they’re a few I have quite enjoyed as the interaction was often one to one and I have been able to forge meaningful relationships…an interesting one was a high profile SAFE Conference in Mauritius ~ 100 top professionals heading regulatory,broking ,exchanges and bank entities across 20 nations…some where even governors of their central banks and consulate generals…..the first day itself was becoming a drag and a monotony although the speaker list was impressive but the delivery was not !…..mid way I just took off on a solo sail in the Indian Ocean ! and took a pic too and blogged it and carried it in my presentation at the Conference the next day and was overwhelmed by the response to the humorous presentation…grew my reputation multifold and made a lot of friends that day across nations  and received many invitations to speak and hold workshops in many nations …two broking houses offered me to name my price to join them urgently and head their fundamental research and client servicing operations !…like they needed me ‘yesterday’ they said ! …got invited and featured on a TV Discussion on Foreign Exchange REER Rates and Impacts

SAFE Sailing High in Mauritius

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

I ran out of Business Cards here ! but for once it was a meaningful exchange…also made it a point to actually have fruitful one to one chats with many participants except those who I had found rather pompous and presumptious…especially one who was skilled at his domain but had the audacity to ridicule on content and lambast an elderly and respected previous speaker on the manner of his delivery…not done at all… I quite connect with what Greg Mckeown expresses as Essentialism

Though let me confess ! I too have been accused of  exceeding time given to me because I have so much to tell and cover !…even in this Mauritius Conference the coordinator had to intervene to say I had exceeded the time but the 100 participants simply shouted him down exclaiming “let him go on!..for once we are enjoying this conference !”

At BSE Training Workshops that I used to conduct and should have ended at 5.30 pm ,I’ve been kept back till past 8 pm ! by eager participants in interesting interaction…all with an urge to get more out of me !

Arguably debatable ~ but sometime you got to turn a blind eye to Time Management  so as to add further value !

One last point…I’ve crossed 750 linkedin connections !…does that make me a very networked and important person ! ?….I’ve probably interacted with 10% of them !…personally know and met a few more ! but hardly know and never met the others !…in fact it was amusing to cross a linked connection at a wedding reception without even the courtesy of  any mutual acknowledgement !

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