A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


How a Lead Analyst from some Equity Advisory website simply ‘Copy & Pasted ‘ from my blog…come on guys give the source or credits too!

This Sunday morning,I was ‘googling’ to see if the validity of the Scheme of Amalgamation of Sesa Industries with Sesa Goa was extended beyond October 31,2009…a host of sites came up on the search

I happened to click on one of them… www.multibaggerpennystocks.com …. imagine my surprise when I saw that their lead analyst in Noida had posted a blog on Sesa Goa on October 29,2009,two days after I had a similar blog to exit Sesa Goa and had ‘copy pasted’ from my blog !…This site runs several paid advisory plans on the net 

I’m flattered,but please do have the courtesy to give credit or mention the source,if you’re going to ‘Copy and Paste’ material which effectively means no change in the wording..remember, like you can access information on the net inside a second of searching,so can you be trapped !

Several times in the past I have been the victim of plagarism and have even received apologies from leading press and even top securities firms…The Internet is a great source of information at a click…but I hope this Lead Analyst will realise the folly of lifting ideas and material from others without crediting them…you have not even bothered to change the wording !…I hope your CEO too acknowledges this

I am assuming that this Lead Analyst will see this blog posting too as he have been viewing my blog…how else could he have lifted material from my Sesa Goa blog of October 27,2009!?…so I’m not emailing the CEO and him seperately 

If it’s any consolation to this Lead Analyst,you are on the right track when analysing and advising on Companies…because you are treading the Fundamental Path…However I’m not passing any judgement on your interpretation of data and your views,conclusion and advice formed from it…leave that to your clients and viewers to decide.

Be Cool…but remember it’s not ‘Cool’ to ‘Copy and Paste’ unless you are quoting verbatim and attribute the source !…I assume as Lead Analyst,you’re getting paid for ‘Leading’ and not ‘Following’ ! 



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