Indigo Listing this morning ! ~ Grey Market Premium of Rs 58 last evening indicates premium listing over IPO Price of Rs 765….however it may trade even below IPO Pricing during the day
Qatar Airways making noises to buy into Indigo on listing augurs well
Spicejet has already rallied over Rs 51 on the back of Indigo Buoyancy
Trading should commence at 10 am in Indigo
Till then be happy with spoofed pricing pre opening on both BSE and NSE as above with Buyers at Rs 1338.75 and sellers at Rs 573.75 on BSE and Rs 590 on NSE
Spoofing is a crime in USA as one is not allowed to input orders that one has no intent on executing
Don’t tell me these prices are only for testing !
Had prepared a long note on Indigo IPO and suggested it looks good though risk remains on no gains on listing….will put this note up shortly
10 am
What a listing ! at Rs 866 and racing away now in seconds to Rs 880+ ! 15% up from IPO Price of Rs 765