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Inspiring Prema Jayakumar ~ Topping CA against Odds ~ Her Father Drives an Autorickshaw in Mumbai ~ What Drives her !?

Against Odds ~ CA Topper Prema Jayakumar

Inspiring Mumbaikar Prema Jayakumar ~ Topping CA against Odds ~ Her Father Drives an Autorickshaw in Mumbai ~ What Drives her !? 

She’s an amazing and  awesome Role Model to many from humble backgrounds who not only aspire to dream and become Big but also strive to equip themselves with the  sought after qualifications to do so  ~ she never let a small 300 sq ft house be a hurdle or stumbling point ~ she had a single minded focus to clear the  Chartered Accountancy Examinations in her first attempt ~ she topped them ! ~ where only a handful percentage of those who appear get through!

You don’t let Circumstances create you ~ you create Circumstances !

Well Done Prema ! ~ May you fulfill more dreams and accomplish whatever you set out to do and achieve greater heights while reaching out for them…you are inspiring many to follow your path already


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