A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


McKinsey & Goldman Sachs ~ The Big are really Small !?…and you guys want them on your Resume !

McKinsey & Goldman Sachs ~ The Big are really Small !?

They must be continuing to do something good to rake in Billion in Revenues !….or is it just the alumni-corporate -political-bureaucratic network at play…….you be the judge after reading these press posts

Seemingly Corporate Hegemonies that you aspirants out there who want on your resume  need to rethink about !

Big Monies = Big Bullying = Big Bribes in Disguise !?

Read two very revealing articles on them in the Press today

In the Independent,UK on how McKinsey continues get away with it everytime despite Corruption,Insider Trading and facilitating huge Blunders like Enron

In the Hindu BusinessLine on how Goldman Sachs put Libyan Sovereign funds at risk  ~ Libya is out to sue them for loss of Billions of US $  

An interesting connected read also is the column by Surjit S Bhalla in the Financial Express on Billionaires and Crony Socialism whose survival rate is that of a cockroach he says !

In 2011 and 2012 I had posted these blogs of Employees reasons for leaving Goldman Sachs

“Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs”….Greg Smith,Executive Director and Head of Equity Derivatives Business in Europe,Middle East and Africa

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

“Quants were the eunuchs at the orgy”….loved this one from Antonio,ex Goldman Sachs!

Monday, June 27th, 2011


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