A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Mom & Dad ~Miss You’ll Lots……

Sunita Parikh ~ Our Revered 'Ba' ~ Lived on Earth from January 7,1934 and Returned to Heaven on August 26,2007

Five Years Ago in 2007 ,on this day,Sunday, August 26,our Mother,Sunita Parikh moved on to where she had come from ~ Heaven ~ to reunite with our Father,Arun

She was our Inspiration in so many ways and always stood by us rock solid through thick and thin,as she did for our Father Arun Parikh whose journey on Earth ended on June 11, 1998

We miss both so very much and are blessed to have had them as parents and grandparents ~ we live with such lovely memories that they created for all of us~They live vividly and vibrantly in us and are fondly remembered every single day ~ we are here because of them

…..and it’s  heartening to know and see that they live vividly in their grandchildren too ~ just the other day ,my nieces , Sneha and Nidhi, who both fasted during Paryushan along with their mom and my elder sister Rinita,were recalling how ‘Ba’, as Mom was revered by Family,was so right in saying that all that matters is ‘Atma’ and ‘Parmatma’ ~ A few days ago daughter,Kunashni wanted to hear anecdotes of ‘Ba’ ~ “I miss ‘Ba’ “,said she ~ Son,Varun prays to ‘Ba’ and ‘Dada’ every day and often lights the evening diya when he’s at home and awake and has had a bath !

The Diya is surely going to shine Brighter this evening ~Please do have Mom Sunita and Dad Arun and all of us in your Prayers today

Love you All and Many Thanks for being Family & Friends


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