Losers Focus on Winners – Winners Focus on Winning
Workshop Conceptualised & Conducted by GAURAV A PARIKH
Stock Markets ~ Minting Millions ~ TOP 10 Winning Moves
Grabbing Short Term Too While Compounding Long Term
Post Pandemic lock-down, this is the First Fundamental Direct Equity ‘Value Vs Price’ Workshop in over Two and a Half Years by Gaurav Parikh and Jeena Scriptech.
Register Right away => https://jsalphaa.com/js-equity-workshop/
Registration ends by 6:00 PM, April 29, 2022 or once seats are full and within days of launch over 2/3rds full already by April 19, 2022
Any queries? Connect on +91-9820162597 or care@jsalphaa.com for help.
No prior Financial or fundamental knowledge is required. Just come with an Open Mind dressed with an Affirmation “I am a Winner”
All Past Fundamental ‘Value vs Price’ workshops from 2016 to 2019 received full house response with participants spread from retail & High Networth investors to Corporates, Mutual Funds, FPIs & broking houses. They came specially from Dubai, Malaysia, Ghana, Cochin, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Thrissur, Satna, Sangli, Allahabad, Gokak, Pune, Ichakaranji, Bangalore, Delhi & of course Mumbai.
300 % to 900 % gains in FY 21 Equity Portfolios under advice ! followed by 60 % to 100% gains in FY 22 !
A Rs 20 lakhs Portfolio surging to near Rs 2 crs in FY 21 and further doubling to over Rs 4 crs in FY 22
A Rs 3 lakhs Portfolio giving over 50% CAGR in 8 years from 2014 to 2022 moving past Rs 80 lakhs ! .It’s got Tata Elxsi in it from Rs 200 to now near Rs 9000
A Rs 5 crs Portfolio moving past Rs 14 crs inside two years with an equal mix, based on Risk Profile, of Core and Non-Core Selections with winning selections and weightages in both segments.
Gaurav is one of India’s Ace Stock Pickers and Direct Equity Portfolio Advisors with an outstanding record of having given many fundamental multiple multi-baggers a few of which have even given 100x returns this Millennium! He is well known for spotting Turnarounds & making Contrarian Calls and unafraid of advising tactical strategies that involve taking additional weightage in one or more stock selections for that extra punch in portfolio gains. He is the Co-Founder of Mumbai based Jeena Scriptech Alpha Advisors Pvt Ltd, a renowned SEBI Registered Research Analyst and Investment Adviser focusing on Direct Equity Advisory. He is the ideal ‘Go to’ Man for both Advisory & Training for Serious Wealth Creation in Indian Equities. He has launched Popular Workshops at the BSE and his Mentoring Sessions at NSE were eagerly awaited. Over 30 years he has shared experiences with and trained over 50000 people in India and overseas in the field of Capital Markets. His amazing forte is to simplify & demystify the most complex of financial concepts & scenarios for ease of understanding & convey it in his inimitable humorous style
Invest a full Saturday April 30, 2022, with Gaurav in person, at a prime location in South Mumbai to interact with him to build and fine track your Equity Road-map for serious Wealth Creation grabbing exciting Short Term Opportunities while Compounding Long Term in Indian Direct Equity.
Workshop Objectives & Benefits
This Workshop will help you strengthen your Investing Mindset and evolve your Investing approach with confidence, courage and conviction to capture fundamental stock opportunities with potential of gains both in the short term as well as becoming huge wealth compounders in the long term. It will tackle dealing with Emotion and Ego and not letting them distract you in the investment journey.
You will become conversant & be empowered to:
- Identify and Select Winning Stocks and Themes for the Short and Long Term and position the Equity Portfolio with a mix of both with appropriate weightage in sync with Risk profile
- Strengthen Micro and Macro Perspectives
- Translate Fundamental Interpretation & Valuation Theory to Application and Academics to Action
- Familiarise with the four Legs of an Equity Table ~ Valuation, Liquidity, Momentum & Sentiment
- Appreciate that Wealth of Mind & Money must move in tandem
- Assess Risks of : Earnings~War~Pandemic~Inflation and Rising Yields~Currencies~Commodities~Countries US, China, India
- Deal with Investor Psyche & all that Jazz… Pitfalls… Thinking & Acting rationally to avoid making Investment Mistakes
Who Should Attend?
Simply Those who want to Make Serious Monies in Indian Equity both in the short term and in the long term and evolve a Winning Mentality that strengthens their confidence, courage and conviction to do so.
No prior Financial or fundamental knowledge is required. Just come with an Open Mind dressed with an Affirmation “I am a Winner”
It could turn out to be a Life Changing Saturday for you like it was for this Client. We love what we do and when it makes a difference and impact like it did to him it is that much more special. His recent 2022 testimonial below reinforces our passion and commitment :
“I am very happy you came in my life as an advisor and very good friend. My aim, at the retirement stage, was to prepare wealth parallel to my provident fund. You fulfilled more than my aim and before time. I yet have 9 years left for retirement. My children were able to say “Yes” to their preferred careers only because of you.”
www.jsalphaa.com showcases many Testimonials for Equity Research, Advisory and Training , including through Video too. Here are a few from past Training Workshops:
“Your Workshop is a better Wealth Creator than Insider Trading!”
Here’s what a participant at a NSE Workshop exclaimed:
“….even those 7 hours seemed like few minutes as all of us were so engrossed. The biggest value I got from Gaurav’s workshop is it completely changed my perspective of looking at Value”
Here are a lot more:
“Finding a multi-bagger is nice, having someone like Gaurav Parikh guide you on the journey… Priceless!” “…it was a super duper fun filled educational get-together…u rock” “Amazing… Awesome Session about Fundamental Stock Selection & Wealth Creation” “Full of Inspiration, filled with wisdom…. am really proud to be a part of this wonderful session” “Best Power packed Saturday that I will never forget in my life” “Simple &Superb… brought enthusiasm in us & made the environment contagious” “Wonderful Workshop. Amazing Knowledge. Made Complex Things very Simple” “indeed, a great learning & educational experience…. totally luv your analysis of stocks…. looking forward to the next one” “Always fortunate to attend… get motivated by your knowledge & the attitude you carry with… thanks for sharing your knowledge & helping people like me to grow better” “One thing is sure. It is not for Money for u I am sure… I do attend paid workshops n never seen this type of welcome… I am sure now in investment if i get stuck up or I am looking for genuine help I am surely going to knock at your door” “…absolutely loved the workshop… demonstrated so convincingly the value in sound, fact based valuations. Personally, you’ve helped me make the mental leap from fear to confident investing, balanced by caution by keeping an eye on asset allocation. Very very grateful for that. The icing on the cake was your humour, incredible knowledge, ability to connect dots while connecting with people” “…thought provoking Investment Seminar conducted in Gaurav’s inimitable style… Examined macro indicators, bases of valuation, critical data on a large slew of companies.” “Powerful” “knowledge sharing in a very structured manner” “Every time I meet you I realise how much there is to learn from you” “You were at your best today & there were a suite of high value takeaway…your knowledge & experience of the markets & your way with numbers is truly exemplary” “Eternally grateful” “let me know when your next program comes up” “would like to interact again whenever opportunity comes” “It was a very stimulating experience. I hope to attend your future session also” “Completely Blown away! You really have changed the way I used to look at Markets” “It was Super Gaurav, your skills at short listing, reading & understanding balance sheets are amazing” “Really loved it & want to enrol for the next workshop too” “Huge Eye-Opener in how Markets operate from a veteran & how best to minimise risks” “You have always been a great guide & your insights always guide & are real…totally away from all the noise that we hear & see” “your passion is really infectious & you have shown the right path to me” “Importantly the workshop was not boring…very lucky I got connected to you”
And this from a more than five consecutive times repeat participant:
“Indeed it was my fifth rocking Saturday that too in a row and obviously my personal stamp of approval to Gaurav Sir’s inimitable style of presenting fundamental concepts …Again Sir you Rocked & it was my fortune to attend your wonderful workshop… seeked everything for which I came …recreated the same old magic of Bangalore in Mumbai…great Saturday”

Jeena Scriptech Alpha Advisors Pvt Ltd
SEBI Registrations
Research Analyst: INH000006907 ~ Investment Adviser: INA000013217
CIN: U74999MH2010PTC210730 GSTIN: 27AABCL9222H1ZI
Regd Off: Jeena House, Plot No 170, Om Nagar, off Pipeline Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 099
Head Off: Elphinstone Bldg, 1st Floor, 10 Veer Nariman Road, Horniman Circle, Fort, Mumbai 400 001
Email: care@jsalphaa.com
Website: www.jsalphaa.com