Needed a Jolt to remember that Health is the Real Wealth and not Stocks & the Sensex !

Truly Remember Guys that Real Wealth is Your Health & Not Stocks or the Sensex !…..God Help you if your Health & Wealth & Life’s Graph depends on the Latter’s Graphs !

Got a Personal Jolt yesterday on this that prompted this post ~ suspect the cause to be a Food Issue that gave me a harrowing two hours at midday that required a full day’s rest and fortunately this is the weekend ~ lucky to have loyal support personnel who quickly attended before even Family  ~ but the thought went out to the plight of millions who simply have to fend for themselves daily and therefore simply cannot afford to fall ill ! ~ and God help them should they face any serious Health Issues !

So Please ensure Good Health by living and eating well and please do get Adequate Medical Insurance for Self and Family

Urban Life is getting increasingly Urban and Stressed ~ Simple Daily Routines involve Increasing Noise & Air  & I daresay People Polution that can get to you

When was the last time you actually felt your bare foot on green grass and the morning dew !? ~ when was the last time you heard Sparrows chirping !? ~ Do make it a habit to get up early ~ pray ~ meditate~ just enjoy the rare urban silence early morning ~ it will speak sweetly and soothly to you ~ at least go for a half an hour morning or evening stroll in a nearby park or garden or the seaface if it’s nearby

Get Plants into your House and tend to them lovingly ~ keep grains and water out and you’ll get birds` parrots and pigeons and sparrows and even crows ~ and even squirrels coming in daily ! ~these are my pets now  ! and I cannot have breakfast before they have theirs !

And get a Good Night’s sleep every night by checking if you suffer from sleep apnea problems and attending to this with professional medical advice ~switch off your mobiles and TV Sets max by 10 pm……Forget IPL & dont let Arnab and  his Panelists on Times Now  provoke you as they assault your senses,though they are doing a great job highlighting scams without Fear or Favour~if it’s really urgent ,all your near and dear ones would have your landline number anyway

In the last one month have had two  friends,both 50, who were jolted with cardiac trouble,one felt a stroke coming up and was driven straight  to the nearest hospital and discovered heavily clogged arteries and has got two angios done over a month~ the other was overseas and actually suffered a stroke and on an emergency basis was first immediately hospitalised and then later flown from one country to another for better attention before finally flying back to India ~ Thankfully they are recovering well

Ah ! and Yes,don’t forget to and don’t count the number of Times you say “I love you” to your Loved Family Ones ,even if it’s through BBM,Skype or G Talk or Whatapp or even through fb message~ Hug them Often too ~ Hug True Friends too !

And if Debt is burdening you,remember God gives you only as much as you can manage and your moral conscience will guide you to lessen this burden even if it takes some time ~ and if you’re finding it difficult to make two ends meet just keep the Belief in yourself and keep the Faith and Keep at it ~remain Upright and straightforward and dont get seduced in bad company ~paths will open out and better  Opportunities will come~ you owe it to yourself and your Loved Ones

…and do be careful should you wish for Instant Gratification ~ it comes with an Instant Burden too

Some Guidance that I came across….

7 Rules of Life

Enough ! ~ Now go smell that Grass and Hug your Loved Ones !

And any of you feel like connecting with me,just call……

Cheers ! and have a Great Healthy Weekend

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