Wishing all of you a Joyous Mahavir Jayanti and do reaffirm to Live a Noble Life
Practice ,not just Believe in
- Living a Life of Absolute Truthfulness & Honesty
- Austerity
- Humility
- Taking Full Responsibility for all your Actions
- Donating in Kind & Knowledge
- Not Harming even a Fly
- Three Fold Path of Right Conduct,Right Faith and Right Knowledge
- Meditation
- Respecting and Taking Care of the Elderly
- Mentoring & Guiding the Youth of Today to Think & Live Right to Create a Better Today & Tomorrow
As Moliere so well put it ” It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do”
Praying for all of Mankind this Day……..
1 thought on “On this Mahavir Jayanthi reaffirm to live a Noble Life”
Thank you Sir,
If you look at Metaphysics all the three Dharmic religions i.e. Hinduism,Jainism and buddhism has profound knowledge…the best one in jianism which I like is ‘In Our Universe and in our Time’…..those people knewin ancient times what we today know as M theory.