A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Rakesh Jhunjhunwala……what’s he saying Now ?

Hi Rakesh Jhunjhunwala (RJ)…just caught you on the CNBC Interview on “Wealth Creators”…you’ve now acheived a cult and icon status  with your investments in midcaps coming  good and how ! Titan,Matrix Labs,Nagarjuna Construction,Mcdowell Group,Crisil…..your gains from these are now legendary….Remarkably the billions have not been made in Core Scrips like BHEL,Reliance or Larsen…but in relatively smaller scrips

I have interacted with you a few times at social do’s and had also invited you to interact with my participants at the Equity Portfolio Structuring and Stock Analysis Workshop at the Bombay Stock Exchange Training Institute a few years ago…You had accepted graciously in a second and at very short notice…. and had thoroughly regaled everyone in your patent blunt and straightforward  style….”I’m a sadak chaap you had thundered but then gone on to demonstrate your grasp of economic issues vividly and that you were fully upto date on views and model portfolios of large domestic and overseas Institutional Financial Houses….it was amazing you were able to relate,connect and comment instantly with the interesting and comprehensive slides that I was showing on macro and micro issues…this was completely unrehearsed and had gone down well with the House Full Participants….your passion for stocks  came through instantly….you love to share your experiences and are an open book really…one just has to ask the right questions  

So it was interesting to catch you on CNBC yesterday in  the “Wealth Creator” Interview….though thought  the Interviewer,Mithali, could have probed you better

Some Sound takeaways from this interview are tabulated below….many have been a consistent mantra

  • Look for Opportunity,Competitive Ability,Scalability and Valuation when analysing a Company
  • Respect the Market…Be Responsible…know how much to stake and when to take a loss
  • Mother of all Bull Runs is yet to Come
  • Spoke to the Top managment of Titan to assess Opportunity,Competitive Ability and Scalability and then staked  Life on it by Investing Well in it
  • Has intensified Charitable Disposition,especially In Charities that will benefit Children,particularly Girls…recollects that his late Father never ever asked him how much he earned but always how much had he donated…”Daan and Dena are more important” advised his father
  • Has faith in himself and does not rely on anybody
  • Aims to live a Life so that when he is no  more those who come to his funeral say “This was a Good Man” 
  • Aims to earn maximum Income in the most Legitimate manner and donate a large percentage to Charity 
  • Openly confirms he has no Pretences and has no other Interests other than the Stock Market
  • His Investment in “Mid-day” has not worked…he is still hopeful but scalability by “Mid-day” has not been acheived and this has affected growth 
  • Clearly had a premonition of the current Financial Meltdown by October 2007
  • Was an isolated Bull in September 2001…no one listened…… and the Sensex ran up from 3000 to 21000 in six to seven years…the run to 21000 from 13000 inside a year was clearly too fast and an excess and was thus reversed

RJ,you look every bit as prosperous as your Investments…..however couldn’t help recalling how a chubby Anil Ambani had been chided by a potential Overseas Investor in the 1990s when on one of Reliance’s Road Shows he was asked bluntly as to when he himself was not fit how could he ensure Reliance would be Fit !…Anil took this to heart and is now a Fitness Freak

My wife says looking at me it would be like the Pot calling the Kettle Black if I advise you to take care ! 

Look forward to interacting with you again RJ sometime soon….maybe interview you on a popular TV channel…sure I can draw out more from the depths of your experience and knowledge for the viewing pleasure of millions to reveal the rarity of how “Wealth of Mind”and Wealth of Money” are not mutually exclusive when it comes to RJ


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