A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Released Our TEN SS STOCK SELECT DIWALI DIYAs FOR 2013 on the Weekend To Clients and their rise inside just three days has startled us !

😯 Released  by Email to Our  TEN SS STOCK SELECT DIWALI DIYAs FOR 2013 on last Weekend To Clients a fortnight earlier than Diwali for them to get more time to consider these TEN DIYAs that should Alpha-light up  Equity Portfolios from this Diwali to the Next !

Six of these SS Selects are advised for Moderate Profile Clients while Four are for those who have an Aggressive Streak

These Ten Ideas range from Market Cap of Rs 30+ Crs to a Market Cap of over Rs 6500 crs and are spread over several Sectors too

We have dared to provide Appreciation % Gains inside a year from 30% to 320% ! for these Ten Selects based on Fundamentals 

🙂 And Guess what !?…Inside three days this week and despite the Sensex being down today by over 200 Points,our Team is excited that Two Diyas have sparkled over 12% each,Three Diyas have lit up over 5% each and the other Five Diyas have shown some spark between 0.5% to 5% ….they are all in the Green

🙄 I’ve outlined the Laws of Gravity to my Team to mute the excitement a bit !

You don’t need us to tell you buy Core Scrips like TCS,ITC,Asian Paints and Larsen….they do not feature in our Diwali Special 10 ….neither do many of our past SS Selects under Growth & Value and Multibagger Categories that we yet remain committed to …However a few such recent SS Recommendations have made the Diwali 2013 Diyas List

😮 The Selection Criteria for our Diwali Special has focused on :

  • Coverage of Low Cap and Mid Caps Companies
  • Potential for Turnarounds….we even reviewed a comprehensive List of 417 Companies whose Share Price is Rs 10 or below with Face Values ranging from Rs 1 to Rs 10….shortlisted @ 20 to investigate but rejected all
  • Contingent on Events shaping up…these should appeal to Aggressive Clients
  • Growth Potential
  • Takeover Candidates
We had to reckon with many contenders that also showed Potential  which we have left out of our final 10 after internal debate and discussion on Financials and weighing all pros and cons but particularly weighing any downside risk and the Price Volatility they have displayed
We have specific thinking and rationale that has gone into selecting them…Each Diya SS Stock Select is briefly covered on just one slide.
Clients on our Personal Plans are connecting with us to discuss these Ideas and their Equity Portfolios and whether they should initiate buying any ‘Diya’ that appears brighter to them or even increase current exposure in them
And those inclined to consider us as Equity Advisors for their Portfolios  can visit www.jsalphaa.com to sense how we could add Value to your Portfolio …our Approach is Fundamental and often even Contrarion and the Size of your Portfolio does not matter really to us as we are sure one or two of our several Annual Advisory Plans will be a perfect Fit for your Equity Investment Needs & Objectives   
Better Yet For an Immediate response and guidance you should simply get in touch with us on +91-22-42304138
or  on +91-22-4230 4150 
…..or if you prefer emailing the Company simply do so at care@jsalphaa.com 
…..or if in Mumbai you prefer a personal visit from us or you would like to visit us simply call  us  to fix up an appointment
Our Corporate Office is in South Mumbai at Fort,Horniman Circle just above Starbucks and Croma
Of course I’m pretty accessible too at gaurav@jsalphaa.com and on +91-9820162597….it helps to sms me first to introduce yourself so I expect your call later…or simply email me….my response time is normally inside 48 hours
Cheers ! and on behalf of all at  Jeena Scriptech  Alpha Advisors Pvt Ltd ,Early Wishes for a Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year


2 thoughts on “Released Our TEN SS STOCK SELECT DIWALI DIYAs FOR 2013 on the Weekend To Clients and their rise inside just three days has startled us !”

  1. Hi Naveen…check my blogpost of October 25,2013…there are many who have enquired for this Diwali Presentation…it is priced at Rs 15000 and you can contact my office personnel as per given on the blogpost if you are interested…alternatively you can become a Personal Client as stated too on the blogpost….Cheers

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