A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Restarted Going to the Gym this Evening… Lost 5 kgs!… Seriously!

You carry a lot of Weight, Gaurav !…. Even a Pun would have been acceptable !

I restarted Gym this evening… my wife says I started, not restarted.. whatever !

What really Inspired me to do so is a vibrant and fun younger generation as seen through my two lovely offsprings and viewing a video recording this afternoon of my neice’s sangeet night, a part of her wedding celebrations a year ago, and which I had co-hosted

…I’m yet this side of 50 and always want to be !… atleast look it and feel it… want to go rafting and trekking with my daughter and play serious Cricket and Football with both my daughter and my son…. maybe even go down a Volcano with them !… and sweat them out when challenging them to a game of Squash.. you don’t play to get fit… you get fit and then play !

So I finally restarted the Gym… Lost 5 kgs this evening!…. Seriously!… Feels like I did anyway !… From Fourteen and a half minutes on the Treadmill to just under six minutes on the Cross Trainer to atleast a few minutes each on four other equipment…. Legs Press, Hands Press etc… did all ….. Don’t ask me the stats though as to how many calories I burnt, or what speed on the Treadmill and what distance….. let’s just say i was sensible and actually surprised even myself… when I have something to brag about.. like six abs…. I will… did I hear you’ll say then that will be never !

….and yes, My dinner was quite light too!… and I resolve to Gym regularly… and also eat sensibly…. a  Dietician Friend had simply and seriously told me two years ago to come to her after losing 5 kgs in a month by simply giving up all Fried Food, Sugar and Desserts… I actually did and lost 5 kgs inside four weeks!… I did not go to her and I regained what I had lost…. This time, like always, if it has to be it’s up to me!

Cheers !


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