A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Rolta Share Price being Raped and Company’s Promoter K K Singh did not know why !

Rolta was Rs 105 yesterday and this morning it fell suddenly by 7 % initially and then in a quick swoop sunk further to 50% of yesterday’s closing

Rolta Promoter,K K Singh, came first at around 2 pm on NDTV Profit and declared he had no clue why this fall has taken place…he squashed all rumours of UK Business Selloff,Resignation of Auditors,Selling by Lender of Shares Pledged by an associate Company,Manipulation of Accounts,Big Selling by FIIs ….Share Price recovered but was yet below Rs 75 and  35 % lower than yesterday’s closing of Rs 105..Then Mr Singh appeared on CNBC 18 and repeated yet again he was completely lost as to why this fall has taken place and blamed market fragility…He said that his inquiries had revealed that no major shareholder had sold…..yet the combines Volumes on BSE and NSE is 80% of the Free float with nearly Eight Crore Shares being traded Market reacted well on this and Rolta recovered to the Rs 85….It’s a clear indication that more Traders watch CNBC 18 than NDTV Profit !

So if you are a die hard addict of Intra-day trading then you must watch NDTV Profit first…any interesting trading opportunity may arise when Management or Promoter of the Company are chased to explain,deny or confirm company related developement or rumour..take this trading opportunity and then await the same person coming on later on CNBC to repeat what he or she has already said on NDTV Profit…sure way of making money !…..For example you could have purchased Rolta at Rs 72 to Rs 75 after K K Singh came on NDTV Profit at around 2 pm today and denied all rumours that were floating around to explain the Rolta Price crashing by over 40% to dive below Rs 60….Half and hour later,after he appeared on CNBC 18 and repeated himself,the share price of Rolta moved fast by 15% to Rs 85…you could have sold off,pocketing a cool Rs 10 per share atleast inside an hour of Intra Day Trading

Somebody is playing Big Games in Rolta on our Bourses and Rolta Promoter,K K Singh says he does not know !

SEBI has got to get to the bottom of this !..last Month’s Game Lever was Pyramid Saimira…Today’s is Rolta !

Our Markets are fast behaving like a ‘Matka’ Operation !….and in such sensitive and touchy markets,where one believes everything or nothing !,a Market Operator can initiate and float Rumours and get away with Raping the Share Price !

Exchange Authorities and SEBI needs to catch the Share Price Rapist or Gang Rapists fast to maintain market sanctity and credibility…They have been responsible for this combined turnover of over Rs 1000 crs in Rolta today in the Spot and Derivative Markets

Sad State of Affairs really ! 


2 thoughts on “Rolta Share Price being Raped and Company’s Promoter K K Singh did not know why !”

  1. Dear gaurav,

    Since October i have lost 5 lacs in share market. I have 3 lacs and i am desperately trying to recover from my loss. But every attempt leads me to further loss. I am in need of a good strategy to avoid loss and to gain profit. Can you advice me in this regard.

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