Feeling overwhelmingly Sad and Helpless….Japan….Huge and Horrific Earthquakes….Terror Tsunami Devastations….Thousands Dead and yet counting…..and now a Nuclear Radiation Emergency sounded with horrific repurcussions of thousands more being affected by radiation
Sad that our Sensex is not feeling any Aftershocks…a traitor in a sense….The sad irony of Japan falling and Sensex attempting to rise…..up 200 points this morning…..
….like a Flag being flown at half mast to mark solidarity with a Tragedy and in respect of those who have died,methinks our Sensex too must flow at a lower mast to reflect India’s sadness and solidarity with Japan….
…while Japan and the world echo with dirges it seems out of sync to sing paeans of our Sensex resilience …..seems somehow wrong and out of place…twinge of guilt really
Just a Thought Wave that has been repeatedly flasing through my mind the past few days since Mother Nature’s Wrath hit Japan…..and has shocked not only Japan but the whole World
Sad and Helpless…..Need some sunshine…need some sign of Life in Japan… like a colourful flower bud sprouting out of a devastated Earth….to uplift my spirits….not a rising Sensex for now…..that would be like exploiting Japanese misery
…and then conflicting voices flash…”Gaurav, we share your emotions…but Life goes on…and Sensex is not to blame for what is happening in Japan “
Sir Don worry…
Give time…manuplation dosent last long…this is what history says…
I am sure india is have very bad future…peole are not getting this at this moment…it is matter of time…
I am not relating this to Japan or other natural issues…it is totally in SYNC with new scandal…they are in billon$$$…I can see new arising of ZIMBABWE ECONOMY in India…