A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Simply Overwhelmed at the Responses of Multiple Multibagger Choices to TAP GAP 6/11 !

Am Simply Overwhelmed at the Responses of Multiple Multibagger Choices to TAP GAP 6/11 !

Methinks more than one Response deserves the gauravblog hamper…so perhaps I shall award more than one !

Give me a day or two to decide ….meanwhile free free to send me your choices of responses on who really deserves the hamper…ofcourse,please be gracious enough to exclude your own response !

 Cheers ! 


10 thoughts on “Simply Overwhelmed at the Responses of Multiple Multibagger Choices to TAP GAP 6/11 !”

  1. I agree with Nitin. We get a expert neutral view on where our choice /bet stands amongst the crowd.. may be an oppty to introspect

  2. I am not trying to pursue u J

    But for information of members

    The bank, which achieved a 50% growth in its balance sheet from 2007-10 , is now planning to slow down a CAGR of 35% till FY15, which will make it a $35 billion bank. “After that in Version 3.0, we would expect growth to moderate to 25%, which will make us a $100 billion bank in the next five years,” says Kapoor.


  3. Praveen Vishnu Shamain

    Dear Mr. Gaurav,

    Among the responses received (excluding mine), in my opinion, following choices are worth winning your hamper.

    1. Adani Group (Suggested by – Ravi Kanth Pulavarthy, BSReddy, Sameer)

    2. Jaiprakash Associates (Suggested by – Amit Gupta)

    Both these choices are truly multibaggers in the next five years.

    With Regards,

  4. good morning,
    quite surprise, no one mentioned much on Birla (adidtya)Or Tata group.
    my favt. is Tata all time.

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