A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


TAP GAP Poser end 2013 ~Which Indian Company will be a Big Share Price Winner in 2014?

😯 Announcing TAP GAP Poser end 2013

🙄 Which Indian Company will be a Big Share Price Winner & Wealth Creator for Investors in 2014?

Have revived this TAP GAP Series on the request of Blog Reader Hemanth with this Poser that he requested for

Sensex & Nifty have returned under just 7% returns till date in 2013 with @ 10 trading days to go yet in the year

Yet in 2013 Thinly traded and on upper circuit for a long time, Scrip Selection like Westlife Dev ~ the McDonald Franchise in West & South India gave 1000% returns if you managed to get in early ~ and many in the IT & Pharma Space have given over 100% returns in 2013

Now Tell me which one you think can give great gains in 2014 and win attractive prizes if they are selected as Winners by me

Certain Guidelines to follow 

  1. Only an Individual over 18 can participate
  2. There is no Entry Fee ! ~ How could there be any !
  3. Respond with your Choice of Scrips (Preferably Just One but Not more than Three)
  4. Give a brief fundamental reason for each Selection ~ not more than a small paragraph for each 
  5. The Investment Price should be the Current Market Price
  6. Give a Target Price in 2014 for your Selection
  7. Any Selection based on Technical Analysis will not be considered   
  8. Respond by December 31,2013 Midnight IST  ~ may extend the deadline into January 2014 to get in more responses
  9. Please respond on this Blogpost and not on my email so all viewers can have access to your response
  10. Before December 31,2013,you can change your Selections any number of times you wish.Your Last Response carrying your Selections will be considered as Final on deadline expiration  with your earlier selections being ignored    
What is at Stake !
😆 For the First Prize Winner
  1. A gauravblog Hamper with some lovely Goodies ~ regulars should know what’s in the hamper ~ or simply click on the TAP GAP  navigation heading in the Menu above to get a sense of past Posers and Responses and Winners and what they got in the Hamper ~May announce more than One Winner just to live the Joyous Christmas Spirit of Giving out more than One Hamper ! ~ only of course if I get many responses
  2. Free Annual Subscription to our Plan H worth Rs 5000 of our Scrip Sanctuaries ~ Web Protection Plans From The Wildlife In This Jungle Of Indian Equities ~ will give you access to our SCRIP SELECT Module on our website www.jsalphaa.com

🙂 Other Winners,if announced, will receive gauravblog hampers 

😀 All Winners will be Invited for A Super Dinner in Mumbai in January or February 2014 so we can meet and greet and eat and enjoy each others company in person and discuss where Indian Equities are heading and debate whether being a Genius and being Married are mutually exclusive ! ~Outstation Winners should perhaps consider it a value or growth investment to come into Mumbai for this Dinner ! 😎

Who Shall Decide the Winners?

Who Wins,will be decided solely by me ! unlike Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party  who has reached out for a referendum to the people of Delhi to decide if they should govern Delhi with outside support from Congress ! 😉

You may yet turn out to be a Winner even if not announced by me as one !

Oh ! and in all Fairness,if there is a Response of a Scrip that I have not chosen as a Winner and that Selection goes on to top the Gains in 2014 over and above the Selections I have chosen as Winners ! then at the end of 2014 this Responder too will be a Winner and get a gauravblog hamper from me ! 😳 ~ He or She may get the privilege to gloat “I told you so !” and I promise I shall apologise and be suitably embarassed ! ~ The rider here is that although there may be many such Responses that win over those I declare as Potential Winners in 2014 ,only one of such Response Winners,it being the Highest Gainer from such Responses,who will be entitled to the Hamper

So Go ahead and take a Wild Guess or an Educated one and Respond quickly with your Scrip Choices for 2014 by December 31,2013! 

All the Best ! Eagerly awaiting your Selections

Cheers !

Disclaimer : The Scrip Selections that I announce as Winners should not be construed as Stock Recommendations from My Company or me .These are solely Scrip Recommendations being made by the Participants on this TAP GAP Poser 



19 thoughts on “TAP GAP Poser end 2013 ~Which Indian Company will be a Big Share Price Winner in 2014?”

  1. #TAP GAP#
    United Spirits Limited CMP @ 2658 per share.
    Target Price 3400 per share. My recommendation is on the basis of various synergies (financial and corporate governance)coming out of Diageo’s acquiring stake in the Company. Also, Company has announced intention to pull out of Tamil Nadu due to adverse regulation and also restructuring its product Brands.

  2. Dont worry Hemant,will invite that winner out too for Dinner in early 2015! 🙂 ~ Just respond with your scrip or scrips that you think will be a 2014 winner big time

  3. 1) Yes Bank
    2) Bajaj Corp
    3) Some Adani company 🙂 like Adani Port or Adani Power

    One year strategy would be either momentum trading or turnaround so

    1) yes bank(turnaround bet) -> hope of peak in rate cycle

    2) Bajaj corp(momentum trading in defensive stocks with stock currently fallen for unnecessary reason of fall in profit but no fall in cash-flow)

    3) Some Adani group company (Turnaround) 🙂

  4. Pingback: 11 Stocks recommended so far for 2014 for TAP GAP Poser | Gaurav's Blog

  5. Strides Arcolab Limited : Pending payment from Agila sale, proven management, available management bandwidth. established sales channel. CPM 362, Target 550 + 150 (dividend)

  6. I think GPPL has awesome future. Recently I have visited the port and 2014 is going to be big big year for them. I think it is a very good buy at Current price.

  7. Hi Gaurav,
    My reco would be Mayur Uniquoters. Investment price is 340 and target is around 550. Reason- Increasing share of exports, setting up of new line of production.
    Another share- Cera Sanitaryware- from the current 700 to target 1000 in 1 year. Reason- strong growth in sales with margin intact.

  8. Pingback: 25 Scrip Recos on TAP GAP Poser~Highest Gainer in 2014 ? | Gaurav's Blog

  9. My picks are
    1.JM financial – CMP 29 Positive are Probable banking license ,Vikram Pandit’s experience
    2. MCX CMP 572
    Positive is FT stake sale
    3. Eimco Elecon CMP 156
    Mining activites to pick up
    4. Tata Global CMP 156
    Starbucks tie up to help

  10. Pingback: 58 Scrips recos for 2014 ~Winners to be declared shortly! | Gaurav's Blog

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