I reiterate what I blogged last week…don’t be in any hurry to transfer Available Cash to Equity in your Networth
The Heat is on !
Market is Melting !
Winter is approaching !
Equity is shivering !
Aha !…what a Contrasting Play of Words !
“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”
I reiterate what I blogged last week…don’t be in any hurry to transfer Available Cash to Equity in your Networth
The Heat is on !
Market is Melting !
Winter is approaching !
Equity is shivering !
Aha !…what a Contrasting Play of Words !
6 thoughts on “The Heat is On !….Market is Melting…Winter is approaching…Equity is shivering !”
Hi Gaurav,
Any hints in disguise for bargain pick hot melting market pot.
Hi Gaurav,
Any hints in disguise for bargain pickings in hot melting market pot.
Hi Arkad…bargain zone is yet quite some distance away….but ‘I’m loving it’ to borrow a Mcdonald ad line to describe my sentiment of this market sentiment !…Cheaper Stocks mean lower risks…A PSU Bank..a Real Esate firm…a Birla group entity…a giant that plans to demerge to unlock value….there are a host of ideas out there…but yet not in bargain zone
Lesson: Never time the market.
In your October 8th, 2009 blog you gave “RED” to telecom.Is Bharti still not recommended at this level of 295.We did not reach to the “bargain zone” we were expecting.Can we say this zone has come for telecom.
Hi Ashish,
Telecom remains a cut throat competitive sector..ARPUs will continue to fall and Players are hoping to make up in Volumes..Given the fact we already have over 300 million accounts and our population is close to 1200 million,I yet have reservations…success in rural penetration is the key to growth…next two quarters atleast will be tough on numbers…so if you have conviction that this rate and scheme war between players cannot last too long,and sanity will return to this sector,then certainly buy Bharti on declines…It’s already below Rs 300….but we have our controversial Telecom Minister saying he’s looking forward to 10 paise per minute tariff!….so where’s the growth going to come from !?…Players expect it will from increasing subscribers and Volumes and 3G services rolling out next year….