A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Three As could end the World says Stephen Hawking…but I yet went to work !

This weekend my mind was engaged by the three ‘A’s that  world renowned Physicist,Stephen Hawking is worried could end this World ~ Artificial Intelligence,Apocalypse & Aliens !   …..I’ve always thought that ‘Derivatives’ would ! ,echoing Warren Buffett’s warning that  they were ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ ! 🙂

……yet I got up early today,Monday and no hangover and fully alive and  went to work  to begin another week ! :-)…even to see the Sensex drop further 66 points to close at 28438….does it matter in the scheme of things !?

My Point : Don’t wait for the World to End ! ~ Keep Doing & Keep Moving !

Have a great Week

Cheers !


6 thoughts on “Three As could end the World says Stephen Hawking…but I yet went to work !”

  1. Sir,

    abount thee world i do not have any idea but one P can cause heavy damage to investors wealth i.e. Pharma


    1. Thank God Anurag you said that in your view there is one ‘P’ that can cause heavy damage to investors wealth and that is ‘P’harma….This ‘P’arikh missed a heartbeat ! 🙂

  2. Kya sir:)),,,,,,,,,,

    My view was that dollar after touching above 100 will retrace and will weaken going forward,so i thought that IT and Pharma will be sitting ducks if that scenario plays out.


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