After a brilliant run up and now at 52 week highs, both Relaxo Footwears at xb Rs 550 (FV Rs 1) levels & Eveready at Rs 360(FV Rs 2 )levels appear to be at unjustified high relative valuation at PE of over 60 and 50 respectively
Have been just asked for advice
Managed Run Up !?
I would be wary as I’m not aware of any non linear growth coming up nor of a healthy CAGR on the bottomline in the next three years to justify paying such heavy premium
I don’t have any interest in either of them but happy for those who rode them brilliantly in the year…perhaps they should ask the Insiders rather than me on these!
“Gimme Red” 🙂
Relaxo is Prof. Sanjay Bakshi’ stock though he mentioned about it at much lower levels
Yeah Sameer…it has had a marvellous multibagger run over the recent years…valuations are expensive now and not sure such momentum will sustain ex bonus in the short term unless made to