A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Warning !!! ~ Caution on Sang Froid Labs at BSE Upper Circuit Rs 8.71 !

Warning !!! ~ Caution on Sang Froid Labs at BSE Upper Circuit Rs 8.71 !

How can BSE even have allowed Sang Froid to be directly listed from October 2015 ! ?

Bulk Trades ~ Lakhs of  Shares Trading Volume ~ Buy Reco being circulated under Share Khan Premium Service  with website as sharkhan.in  which just flashes on your screen repeatedly!!!


SEBI must investigate how BSE allowed this Listing & the trading patterns in it….Wonder if  the Broking Group Sharekhan  & Pharma Co Ajanta Pharma will ignore that their names have been misused liked this for recommending Sang Froid…..I don’t believe Sharekhan has recommended this….& I dont believe Ajanta Pharma is associated with this company in any way let alone it being recommended as a Venture with it !   

Right Now  this the Trap being set on the BSE Counter for Retail Suckers to buy into  with the reco on mobile circulation stating to buy 10000/20000 shares for  immediate rise to Rs 12/15 in just two days  for this Ajanta Pharma Venture !…Oh ! Stoploss of Rs 7 recommended too ! 

Market Depth (10 Mar 2016)
Buy Sell
Qty Price Price Qty
7,84,413 8.70 8.71 16,101
6,47,460 8.69
7,59,942 8.68
5,43,568 8.67
5,16,346 8.66

This Company does nothing ! though it says on it’s website it wants to do this and that !…suppose to be in pharma….has no real business….At March 31,2014 it had no employees (Employee expenses  were only Rs 48000! & Revenue only Rs 1.75 lakhs).KMP were Ajay  & Vijay Kumar Sachdev & and Jitendra H Gohel.

Equity Issued & Subscribed was Rs 5.1 crs but paid up was just Rs 2.80 crs which included forfeited shares.The Negative Reserves were Rs 2.88 crs giving a negative networth at March 31,2014.The auditor was a Delhi Proprietory Firm M Madan & Co who signed the FY 14 Accounts in New Delhi on August 30,2014.There are barely any other Assets & Liabilities

FY 15  Statements show a different auditor,Ahmedabad based Proprietor S Kansal &  Associates who signed the FY 15 Statements in Ahmedabad on April 14,2015,within a fortnight of year closure 

The Equity now shows Rs 5.1 crs & Negative Reserves are now lower at Rs 2.02  crs given a positive Networth of Rs 3.08 crs which has been applied to Short Term Advances of Rs 1.42 crs & Other Current Assets of Rs 1.7 crs ~ no info on how the Negative reserves dropped so much given that topline & bottomline figures are worse than Lemon Juice Collections by a Street Vendor !…how did subscribed equity of Rs 5.1 crs which was paid up just Rs 2.80 crs become paid up Rs 5.1 crs?   

52 Week High was Rs 24.40 on january 8,2016 and  current levels of Rs 8.7 are near lows



Hey BSE CEO,Ashish Chauhan what’s Happening here ! ? 


Sharekhan,who’s name has been used to bulk recommend this on mobiles has issued a warning that they are investigating who is behind this….BSE Platform continues to be misused,and I daresay deliberately allowed to do so, by such Listed Companies that ought not to have been allowed listing in the first place   



2 thoughts on “Warning !!! ~ Caution on Sang Froid Labs at BSE Upper Circuit Rs 8.71 !”

  1. Co-incidentally, if you ook up the meaning of ‘Sangfroid’, it means composure or coolness shown in danger or under trying circumstances. Cheeky 😀

  2. This is old story. I also received the msg but not tempted to buy. For me, Indore and Gujarat are places from where I am receiving most of the call or msgs. I think this msg came from Indore.

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