A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Warning : Stop “Listerine-ning” your Mouth….Top Mouthwash Brands linked to Oral Cancer !

Came across a distressing  News Item in Times of India yesterday….Top-selling mouthwash brands linked to Oral Cancer !

Investigation by the Australian Health Aurhorities reveal that the Main Culprits are the presence of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde in Alcohol containing Mouthwashes

Listerine ,Australia’s biggest selling mouthwash,contains 26% Alcohol

I rushed to my Bathroom to read the contents of the “Listerine” Mouthwash  that’s been my friend for some time now…It contains 95% Ethanol !…and Ethanol,the study ,says allows cancer causing substances to permeate the lining of the Mouth more easily to cause harm…Listerine is endorsed by the Australian Dental Associaton

And Acetaldehyde is a by-product of alcohol and when the mouthwash is swished around in the mouth,it accumulates in the Oral Cavity and is believed to be carcinogenic !

My “Colgate”is now Happy and no longer jealous as “Listerine” and I have parted company !


5 thoughts on “Warning : Stop “Listerine-ning” your Mouth….Top Mouthwash Brands linked to Oral Cancer !”

  1. How can a product have 26% Alcohol and 95% Ethanol? If I read my bottle correctly it says that there is 21.6% alcohol, natural oils, flavorings and mainly water. 95+26=121%…the Obama effect on intelligence already!

  2. Hi Jay !…The Listerine that I got in India has 95% Ethanol…and that’s just what I said…while the news article linked talks about 26% alcohol content in Listerine in Australia…I was scared enough to immediately stop use of Listerine…I’m not venturing into Percentages…let the experts and authorities and manufacturers and dental associations fight it out…I’m not using ‘Listerine’ again

  3. Hi Jay…I rechecked…Listerine Mentions : Ethanol(95 per cent) I.P.26% v/v…so I suppose 95% refers to the Ethanol Grade and 26% to the alcohol content

  4. Actually, Listerine contains at most 35% ethanol. I know this because in my university chemistry lab we tested Listerine Original. Furthermore, no where on the bottle does it display “95% ethanol” Do some more research, chicken little

  5. Gaurav Parikh

    Thanks Adrienne for taking the trouble to respond,nothwithstanding the chide!…this blog was written over a year ago..and this concern of ethanol content was also voiced by Jay,to which I had gone back to the Bottle and responded that 95% perhaps refrers to the Grade and 26% to the alcohol content…check out earlier responses to this blog


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