A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


What a Lovely Eventful Weekend !

What a Lovely Eventful Weekend !

Actually began Thursday Night with a rather loud and noisy but enjoyable dinner at the Malabar Club to celebrate a Birthday ~ 25 of us enjoying all cuisines at Club prices ~ must say the new restaurant decor and the Food was quite impressive

Friday Evening brought in a lovely Invite Nomination from WIFA on instructions from AIFF, for daughter to attend the India u 19 Women Football  Selection Camp in Gandhinagar ~ she was the India Vice Captain in the u 16 team

Friday Midnight 15 + Friends of Son surprised him to bring in his 23rd Birthday ~ Cops came to check what the Fun was all about !~Celebrated his Birthday on Saturday with a Family Dinner after which his Friends again took over !

Today, Sunday,wife and I celebrated our 24th Wedding Anniversary with her choice of Movie ! ~ Ek Tha Tiger ~she liked it ! I did not ! wonder how it has grossed nearly Rs 200 crs inside two weeks ! ~ In the morning we attended an interesting workshop at daughters school which was conducted by four US Colleges who outlined through six case studies how a Student Admission Application is screened and therefore how one should prepare it to be successful ~ Later we lunched at the Club ~ crazy Sunday Rush ! ~ bumped into a few friends

Sunday Morning Breakfast of Home made Tomato Rasam &  Vada was moved to become Sunday Dinner while we cheered on India to a hat-trick of Nehru Cups wins in Football flipping in between to enjoying some awesome dancing in ‘Jhalak Dikhla Jaa’ ~ especially by Isha Sharvani and Salman

Tomorrow begins another Week ~ and while the Parliament Lockjam is expected to continue on the Coalgate Scam with Congress and BJP trading charges,I continue to be amused at the courageous calls being advised by Stock Experts on widely viewed Channels even while the Meltdown is taking place in front of your eyes !

Have a Good Week Guys !


4 thoughts on “What a Lovely Eventful Weekend !”

  1. Happy belated Anniversary. Hope you had a memorable one. This marked the entry of the SILVER year, so keep enjoying the whole year through.

  2. Dear Sir,Wishing you a belated HappyAnniversary. I also share the same view on Ek Tha Tiger. The movie was not engrossing at all. Even Bodyguard for the that matter kept us on the edge of our seats till the end.

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