I’m Happy about so many things…..
……proud of daughter and her School team of three bagging the trophy at the TIFR Brain Camp where they successfully defended their project “The Effect of Glucose on Cognitive Abilities” ~ 33 top students from 10 top Mumbai Schools attended the four day camp where they interacted with top neuroscientists
…….love when Sensex drops and cannot sustain 20000 + levels as it will give some us interesting and lower risk levels in specific scrips to buy into….ideally would love the Sensex to drop even below my bottom range of 18500 I gave at the beginning of 2013 !….hope the US Fed obliges and begins tapering soon !
…….love to see Yuvraj back in form and want to see him regain his place in the India Team…he’s fitter and wiser and I guess more humble…and I’ve always loved this guy and his swagger !….he’s a match winner
…….loved the announcement of Tata and Singapore Airlines launching their Airline
…….happy to be recovering well and regaining strength and energy and appetite thanks in great measure to the continuous and overwhelming support, prayers and concern expressed by so many…deeply touched and makes me introspect am I this deserving !…had an hours’ pleasant outing after 50 days !
……..happy for my cousin Bini Patel and her husband Gyan Correa for their National Award winning film ‘The Good Road’ being selected as the India representation as the best foreign film at the 2014 Oscars….hope it makes the final five !
I’m also not Happy on a few things…..sad,angry and helpless
……..Thought Karan Johar was a sore loser voicing his anger and that we had lost a golden chance to win when his ‘The Lunchbox’ was not selected and the 16 member jury opted for ‘The Good Road as above….I have seen neither but surely the Jury must have seen something good in ‘The Good Road’
……..Unprovoked Cowardly attacks continue unabated as innocent people including children and women are massacred around the world….An upmarket Kenyan Mall was attacked…..Suicide Bombers targeted a Peshawar Church….hundreds have died yesterday in both and even more have been been wounded
……UPA Government overturning a Supreme Court Order and passing an Ordinance to protect convicted MPs and MLAs from losing their Parliament and Legislature Seats…..this is the level of degenaration we have now stooped to that we shall be helpless when continued to be governed by Criminals !
…….Sarin Chemical Gas was used to kill hundreds of Syrian Citizens….Assad Regime denies they were responsible blaming rebel factions….USA prepared to attack Syria until Russia intervened on behalf of Syria to strike a deal
……..Clearly premeditated and preplanned Muzzafurnagar riots took so many lives …..it’s being given a communal hue…..and political parties are all equally to blame as is the State and Central Government
………Is our Foreign Policy being dictated by USA !?….why are we rushing the Nuclear Deal with USA and even accommodating them by removing vital clauses from our Nuclear Acts ! Why is the Atomic Energy Commission being bypassed and why is Dr Abdul Kalam silent !?we don’t need nuclear power for civil purposes so badly !
……….repeated warnings and import bans from USA and UK on many of our drug companies facilities…..Is India being deliberately targeted to squash Exports to USA as drugs turn generic or is there worrisome truth in this matter and are we Indians consuming the same drugs that USA and UK are rejecting !?….makes me shudder as some of these are for critical application !
……..Rapes continue across India….which deranged person could think of not sparing even two and three and four year olds !
………NSEL sordid episode and continuing defaults runs deeper than what it looks like…..political patronage is holding things status quo for now…..but for how long!?……a system was created to channel thousands of crores to a few borrowers through financing products created and marketed to high networth clients by the broking network on the strength of just warehouse receipts as a comfort level and that supposedly assured there were enough goods to back the funding….this we know now is not true….there was virtually little regulation and huge conflict of interest as Exchange Directors were related to Borrowers….Monies are suspected to be diverted to other activities than for Commodity Trading and Purchases……recall 1991 and the way the infamous late Harshad Mehta tapped the Banks for funding leveraging on Bank Receipts (BR’s) that represented Government Securities….one BR was use to over leverage multiple funding ! ~ collusion ensured that deals went unreported and unrecorded in the RBI self balancing ledgers
…….Coal Gate Issue continues to burn with crucial Missing Files yet to be located and CBI dragging it’s feet to file FIRs on these….clearly these missing files would have revealed who recommended the coal mine allocations to the beneficiaries
…..Disgusted at the way N Srinivasan has manipulated all the six Southern Cricket Boards to vote for him as the President for the coming year….his son in law has been named in the FIR for IPL machinations ~ his team Chennai Kings too is under Cloud ~ he heads India Cement and is also involved in Investigations in the Andhra Pradesh YSR and son J Reddy cases ~ there are too many conflicts of interest and N Srinivasan morally has no right to continue as President
…..Disgusted at the personal aggressive attacks and counter accusations by groups of members in our ‘Gentlemen’s Club’ that has vitiated the campaigning atmosphere,more than it has in the past, for this years annual elections for trustees and to various committees
General Elections are fought viciously….but this time around expect records on this count to be broken ! ~ Congress and Samajwadi party and their alliances will fight on the Communal Flag to keep BJP out…However Methinks that with the unprecedented Corruption running into hundreds and thousands of crores perpetrated by the UPA Government,the people of India will vote them out….not that the BJP is a Holy Cow….but with an indecisive UPA Government thwarting economic progress,the people will vote for a change
I just hope the new Aam Aaadmi Party surprises and wins the Delhi Elections to begin with !
I’m reserving an opinion on our new RBI Governor…..he had to combat high inflation announced in August and so he jumped the repo rate….that was not expected….then as if to make amends and treading on cautious grounds to show he’s also imparting liquidity,he reduced the MSF and CRR levels to be maintained…..he may just have a BJP led Government to deal with soon !
Monday has seen the Sensex and Nifty seeking lower levels ~ Sensex is again below 20000 ~ really do not know how it will pan out over the rest of the week ~ see-saw may just continue making trading that much more risky
And Watch Out ! The Q E Tapering may have been deferred by the US Fed but it may begin in our Diwali to Christmas Season this Year !
Have a Good ,Safe and Happy Week
1 thought on “When you are Happy and you know it clap your Hands!….and when you are not……!”
“Methinks that with the unprecedented Corruption running into hundreds and thousands of crores perpetrated by the UPA Government,the people of India will vote them out” … Gaurav, thats problem, we people in Urban think, what we think is what rest India thinks … My guess is Rural People and minority people still love free lunches and hence so-called-secular socialist Congress … I think UPA would come again but with more weakness(support from lot of allies) …. but I have also seen many market experts saying Modi as PM…. I don’t know if that is HOPE OR GUESS