A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


You’ve Got till Midnight tomorrow to respond with your multibagger to TAP GAP 6/11 Equity Poser to win the gauravblog hamper

You’ve Got till Midnight tomorrow to respond with your multibagger to TAP GAP 6/11 Equity Poser to win the gauravblog hamper…go to the relevant blogpost to respond….till now have received responses outlining 32 Companies as multibagger choices…support any of these or respond with your choice and reasoning for it  

TAP GAP Equity Poser 6/11……Which Industrialist and his or her Company will be a huge Wealth Creator in the next Five Years ?

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Cheers !


1 thought on “You’ve Got till Midnight tomorrow to respond with your multibagger to TAP GAP 6/11 Equity Poser to win the gauravblog hamper”

  1. ICICI as a bank is maturing well and balancing risk better. Its mutual fund, Insurance, and trade brokerage segments are growing rapidly maintaining competitive market cap. Seperating these business itself is a multiplier in future. And financial services industry is where successful investors reaped higher gains. And this space has lot of growth ahead in India.

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